Cassava flour comes from ground cassava root. It's fine and powdery and tends to create dust clouds if you don't handle it carefully. The taste is slightly nutty and earthy, though it can be easily used as a swap for all-purpose flour in gluten-free baking.

Cassava Flour

150.00 L$ LRD / kg
Cassava is a nutty-flavored, starchy root vegetable or tuber. It is a major source of calories and carbs for people.


20.00 L$ LRD / kg
Cassava is a root vegetable that can be used in many of the same ways as potatoes. On the surface, this starchy tuber looks like a sweet potato or yam but with thicker skin.


100.00 L$ LRD / kg


15.00 L$ LRD / kg
Cassava is a root vegetable that can be used in many of the same ways as potatoes. On the surface, this starchy tuber looks like a sweet potato or yam but with thicker skin.


100.00 L$ LRD / kg
Cassava is a root vegetable that can be used in many of the same ways as potatoes. On the surface, this starchy tuber looks like a sweet potato or yam but with thicker skin.


800.00 L$ LRD / kg
Cassava is a root vegetable that can be used in many of the same ways as potatoes. On the surface, this starchy tuber looks like a sweet potato or yam but with thicker skin.


850.00 L$ LRD / kg